Oh my! I have never seen anything cuter than Jessica Florence's sweet rat Bug and her tiny collection of teddy bears.
My brother bought me a pair of rats for Christmas one year, without my parent's consent I might add. One was golden blond with dark brown eyes, the other was white with pinky red eyes. My brother was told they were both boys, however, a few weeks later they became twelve! I was such a happy kid, a nest filled with wriggly soft babies to play with. They were so small and sweet. My parents were, on the other hand, not very pleased to have such a disparity in the rat to human ratio in our house. So, mummy rat and babies were all given away and we kept blondie boy for ourselves. He soon became one of my parents favourite ever pets, he was so clever and affectionate. Seeing these pictures of Bug has made we wish I had the space to get another rat for me and my love. I don't think my princess cat would like that too much, she is very spoiled only
ahhh! we've had a mouse in our apartment for days, and otherwise . . . i'm sure i'd think this was cuter. :)