New from the awesome Sharon Montrose.
Summertime and the Living's Easy
Another get happy musical interlude. Today has been a beautiful day despite promises of rain. Blue sky always makes me want to listen to happy music while I potter around my apartment.
Yes Please, Womb Chair
Ugg A Wugg Ugg A Wugg Ugg A Wugg
I was obsessed with this version of Peter Pan as a kid. I loved that a girl could be a boy and that a grown up could be a kid, it is such a perfect embodiment of the perpetually young lost boys. Mary Martin has such great chemistry with the kids and she is such a joyful Peter. I hated Wendy though. When my friends and I pretended to be the characters I was always Peter, or Tigerlily.
The video taped version I watched over and over was awful quality, but I loved it anyway. Check out this awesome choreography below. I know that at least part of my lasting fascination with theatre and dance can be traced back to my studying of this production as a six year old. I should probably admit that the refusal to grow up thing really took root as well.
One day

One day I will live some where that a hammock can hang outside all year long, with a pool that will always be the perfect temperature for morning swims and beautiful leafy greenery everywhere.
Images from the lovely and sunny Toast Catalogue.
Old Favourites
Scuffy the Tugboat was my brother's favourite Golden Book when we were growing up. There were many requests for Scuffy at bedtime.
Theodore Mouse Goes to Sea was my Mom's favourite. She loved how Theodore Mousey would brush his teeth and comb his whiskers. I liked how he improvised a boat from his bed, and how his best buddy Beatrice had an eyepatch. Also: Pirate Cats!
My very favourite books were Robert Munsch, we were lucky enough to see him read at the Children's Festival in Vancouver. I remember how he brought the book Pigs to life and that he asked me my baby doll's name. (It was Luke, in case you were wondering too).
Consumable Celebrity
Lady Gaga really seems to have inspired the superfan. More Gaga cookies.
Lady Gaga Barbie dolls by Lu Wei Kang
The new Gaga video is packed full with references to Pop Culture, social and political issues, the ridiculous, the monstrous.
onlywordstoplaywith has posted an awesome discussion about the themes and references in the video. I wish we all took the time as a society to dissect everything we see the way she has.
Any artist that can inspire this kind of dialogue is doing something right.
Plus: catchy!
Super Hero!
Whoa. Dooood. When I was a kid I either wanted to grow up to be Peter Pan, a Ninja or a Superhero. Yeah, I had reasonable expectations. This movie looks like so much fun! A pop star would have been okay, but Lady Gaga seems to have that covered. Maybe there's room for me and cape?
Winged Leather Jacket

Two must have coats in one day. I must be on a roll. Check out this amazing limited edition Alexander Wang leather jacket. I'm sure it would make you fly. How can the model look so sullen when she has wings?
And after all, you're my wonderwall
This Oasis album was the first real CD I bought at around ten or eleven years old. I can remember listening to it at the family stereo with headphones on. Of course sooner than later I found the Spice Girls and lost a whole lot of street cred in the process.
I want to move in to the revamped MUJI website.
play MUJI and MUJI rhythm (careful, links play music) are so so clean with just the right amount of fun.
That which cannot be found
yesterday the wisest man
holding a lit lantern
in daylight
was searching around town saying
i am tired of
all these beasts and brutes
i seek
a true human
we have all looked
for one but
no one could be found
they said
yes he replied
but my search is
for the one
who cannot be found
holding a lit lantern
in daylight
was searching around town saying
i am tired of
all these beasts and brutes
i seek
a true human
we have all looked
for one but
no one could be found
they said
yes he replied
but my search is
for the one
who cannot be found
Love is the Master
Love is the One who masters all things;
I am mastered totally by Love.
By my passion of love for Love
I have ground sweet as sugar.
O furious Wind, I am only a straw before you;
How could I know where I will be blown next?
Whoever claims to have made a pact with Destiny
Reveals himself a liar and a fool;
What is any of us but a straw in a storm?
How could anyone make a pact with a hurricane?
- Rumi
I am mastered totally by Love.
By my passion of love for Love
I have ground sweet as sugar.
O furious Wind, I am only a straw before you;
How could I know where I will be blown next?
Whoever claims to have made a pact with Destiny
Reveals himself a liar and a fool;
What is any of us but a straw in a storm?
How could anyone make a pact with a hurricane?
- Rumi
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